Saturday 25th January 2025
Venue: The View at The Royal College of Surgeons of England

Join us as Dr Cesar De Gregorio presents:
"Management of Dento-Alveolar trauma in the permanent dentition."

About The Event
Time & Location
25 January 2025 09:30 am (Registration from 09.00 am)
Venue: The View at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 38-43 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3PE
Speaker Profile
Dr. De Gregorio received his dental degree from the European University of Madrid in 2006. In 2008, he completed the Endodontic Program at the European University of Madrid with Honors and received the AEDE Best Research of a Graduate Student Award. He received the Best Clinical Case Award in 2008 and the Best Oral Communication Award in 2010 by the AEDE. He served from 2009 to 2013, on faculty at the school while maintaining a private practice limited to endodontics. He is active in research and has published articles in peer-reviewed journals, being author of chapters in books about Endodontics. He became Assistant Professor of the Department of Endodontics at the University of Washington in 2013 where served as a clinical assistant professor of the department of endodontics and as an endodontist at the Center for Pediatric Dentistry. Dr. De Gregorio obtained his PhD in 2020. Actually, he serves as a Board director of the International Association for Dental Traumatology (IADT) and is member of the committee of Research and Case Awards as well as the committee of Education and prevention. He became Sub-Director of the Graduate program in Advanced Endodontics at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid-Spain) in 2016 and performs treatments in his private practice, limited to endodontics and dental trauma
Learning content:
Management of dental trauma remains a significant clinical challenge affecting health-care providers and patients alike. Patients can present with a wide variety of injuries ranging from crown or root fractures to injuries to the supporting periodontal structure, including luxations and avulsions. This course will discuss the newly published guidelines from the IADT (international Association of Dental Traumatology) for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of traumatized teeth using different clinical case scenarios based on the available scientific-based data. This course will focus too on 3D diagnosis and decision making as well as management of complications after a traumatic injury, showing the current scientific data and the clinical protocols to minimize the impact of these injuries on tooth structure and supporting tissues.
Aims and Objectives:
This course will provide participants with an evidence-based update of the current protocols of the IADT, showing different clinical situations and discussing the possible approachs, their advantages and possible complications.
The key aims are:
1. To explain the advantages and influence on decision making of CBCT in complex cases of Dental Trauma.
2. To demonstrate the most predictable treatment plans for immature teeth to obtain a positive outcome.
3. To establish the clinical scenarios to perform a Vital Pulp Therapy.
4. To understand the importance of the growing stage on the development of complications in young patients.
5. To discuss the etiology and consequences of the Ankylosis and Infected related resorptions.
6. To review the new updates on the latest protocols of the IADT.
7. To highlight the most suitable management of the main injuries in Dento-Alveolar Trauma on mature and immature teeth.
8. To analyze the different treatment options to treat traumatized teeth with immature apices. To consider their predictability and scientific base.
9. To discuss the current evidence of treatments with a biological approach, as decoronation and autotrasplantation.
Attend The Event
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