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The Constitution & Bylaws Of The Langham Endodontic Study Group

Article 1. NAME. 

The name of the group shall be "The Langham Endodontic Study Group".


Article 2. OBJECTIVES. 

To meet the continuing educational needs in the field of Endodontology of Postgraduates with MSc. (Endodontics) and Practitioners with Practices limited to Endodontics.


Article 3. MEMBERSHIP. 


Classes of membership  

  1. Ordinary. Criteria - MSc.or MClinDent postgraduate degree in Endodontics (or completion of an equivalent national training programme in Endodontics) and /or - Practitioner with practice limited to Endodontics.

  2. Associate Student. Criteria - Postgraduate practitioner undertaking study leading to an MSc or MClinDent  postgraduate degree in Endodontics

  3. Associate Academic. Criteria - Practitioners working within academia who can demonstrate notable involvement (clinical, teaching and/or research) in the field of Endodontics


Voting rights - Ordinary membership carries voting rights


Application - Applications for membership of the group can be made through the Secretariat for consideration by the Executive.


Article 4. OFFICERS. 


The Executive shall be responsible for:

  • Chairing meetings

  • Inviting speakers


A Secretariat with responsibilities for:

  • Membership

  • Newsletter

  • Administration

  • Meetings

  • Sponsorship

  • Social activities

  • Finance



The initial executive shall consist of five members and remain in office until at least May 2001. A sixth executive officer shall be elected in May 2000. A Senior Executive Officer shall be elected by the executive.


Executive membership shall be for a maximum of six years. The Senior Executive Officer shall be responsible for chairing meetings and inviting speakers. At the end of this year the Senior Executive Officer shall retire from the Executive.


Nomination for the vacant position should be made from the membership to the Secretariat, at least four weeks prior to the AGM. If there is more than one applicant a secret ballot shall be taken at the AGM.



Nominations will be accepted annually from 2023 for the position of 'Postgraduate Representative' on the council of officers.  The nominee must be a Postgraduate student member and will not carry any voting rights in accordance with the LESG constitution.  The term will last for one year due to the nature of training programmes.  Nominations must be received at least four weeks prior to the AGM.  If there is more than one applicant, a secret ballot shall be taken at the AGM.


The role of the postgraduate representative is to liaise with postgraduate student members of the group to facilitate communication with the executive committee. The representative should also liaise with post-graduate representatives of UK-based postgraduate training programmes to promote the LESG.  They will be allowed to attend the AGM and other committee meetings throughout the year, but will not carry voting rights, in accordance with the LESG constitution.


Article 5. THE ACCOUNTS 

The accounts will be prepared by independent accountants as designated by the Executive.


Article 6. MEETINGS 


  1. There will be a minimum of three meetings per year.

  2. The Annual General Meeting will be held every May during the May meeting. The quorum for the Annual General Meeting shall be 10.

  3. Extra-Ordinary General Meetings may be called by the Executive but may also be requested by three members if they notify the Secretariat. The quorum for an extra-ordinary general meeting shall be 10. The membership should be notified at least 8 weeks before an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting.

  4. Proposals submitted for consideration at the Annual General Meeting must be seconded and be received by the Secretariat eight weeks prior to that meeting. Any such proposals shall be announced on the agenda under Any Other Business and shall be circulated to the members.



Order of business shall be decided upon by the Executive.




Any proposed change in the Constitution and Bye-Laws of the group shall be submitted in writing to the Secretariat. The Executive shall send written notices to members stating the proposed change to be submitted to either the Annual General Meeting or if the Executive deem it advisable to an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting called for the purpose. A majority of those present and voting is required to effect a change in the Constitution and Bye-Laws. All such notices shall be sent out not less than four weeks before the meeting at which the proposed change is to be submitted to the members.




  1. Determination of Rate.
    The executive will recommend the subscription rate.

  2. Mechanism for joining mid-year.
    This will be payable pro rata by cheque or standing order until the next financial year beginning in May.

  3. Dealing with arrears.
    Any member who does not pay their subscription will automatically cease to be a member and will forfeit their right to attend meetings. Membership may be re-instated on payment of arrears.

  4. Trustees.
    Trustees shall be the members of the Executive.

  5. Cessation of Activity.
    Upon the dissolution of the society any assets remaining after payments of all debts and liabilities shall be transferred to some other institution or institutions having objectives similar to the study group.


Article 10. EXPULSION 

The study group may expel any member against whom charges of conduct or practice prejudicial to the interest of the study group may be deemed proven by the executive. The report of such conduct shall be presented at the Annual General Meeting or any meetings at which a majority vote of members present shall be necessary to expel a member.

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